
Oh Oh Oh

Here the proof that I was really ridiculous.

I have my Jean-Sébastien Bach.

Really Post Scriptum.

Oh yes, I have my Jean-Sébastien Bach.
And, as far as I'm concerned, I imagine an awful drawing on which we'll see Phiphi crying and a lot of "eight" everywhere.

I have mention bien, people.

I have 8 in Philosophie.
I suck.
I suck grave.
Platon-étron hates me.
Berk-laid hates me too.
I hope that Athur-confiture still loves me because I love him.
Fuck Philosophie.
But love Philosophie because the Kinder Diktator had a very great success.

Thank you Oni, thank you Martine. You're fuckable but I had good marks so.. I'll forget your eyebraws frown.
Nathalie, I piss on your face.

2 commentaires:

Vineyard Gull a dit…

Je prévois un super dessin en circonstance.

Anonyme a dit…

Oui c'est ça au revoir...

*Phiphi va se suicider*
*en fait non*